Xenical is a prescription only diet and weight loss pill used for the long-term treatment of clinical obesity.
Xenical is not a weight loss solution for people who need only to shed a few pounds.
Xenical, unlike other weight loss medications that effect the brains rationale into fooling the stomach that it is full, works solely in the digestive system and blocks approximately a third of the fat intake.
In the digestive system there are enzymes called Lipases - these help to break down the fat. When Xenical is taken with food it will attach itself to the lipasas and stops them from digesting the food that you have eaten. The undigested fat can then pass through your body.
Although Xenical does not contain any serious side effects some will experience unusual bowel movements. This should not be cause for concern as this is a byproduct of the enzymes blocking the fat intake allowing them to pass naturally through your body.
Click here to buy Xenical.